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All About Eye Color: The Reason Our Eyes Are Different Colors and Other Facts

People often say the first thing they notice about someone is their eyes. Poets have written about how they are the window to our souls. Superstitions attribute certain personality traits to certain eye colors. The reason our eyes are different colors and other facts certainly help make them a complex part of who we are!

What’s in a color?

In this case, it’s the pigment melanin. Simply put, how much a person has in his or her iris determines eye color. The more pigment, the darker your eyes and vice versa.

How is pigment determined?

Experts have narrowed it down to three genes. However, they are still learning about how they all interact. So far, scientists know how two of the genes come together making brown, blue and green eyes.

But we are still learning how the more unusual shades of hazel and gray come about. Turns out, the reason our eyes are different colors is rather complicated!

Did you know newborns lack melanin?

If you have ever looked into the eyes of a new baby, you may have noticed the undefined color. At birth, a baby’s eye color tends to look blue-gray. Naturally, melanin gradually increases. Typically, eyes show their true colors by the age of 3.

Can eyes change color?

Yes, eyes can change color. Color change can be caused by disease, trauma and aging.

What is the most common eye color?

Brown is the most common color, followed by blue with green being the rarest.

Have you heard?

This is where the info becomes less fact and more fun! It’s been said certain personality traits and talents depend on eye color. For example, it’s thought blue-eyed people have vivid imaginations.

Brown eyes are associated with a calm yet excitable demeanor. People with green eyes are thought to have sharp minds.

Finally, hazel eyes reveal those with passionate souls.

Does melanin do anything else?

Yes! Melanin not only helps determine eye color, but it also helps protect them. Hence, lighter eyes tend to be more sensitive to light. However, protecting your eyes from the sun’s harmful UV rays is important for every color!


Now that we introduced the reason our eyes are different colors, do you have more questions? Have you noticed a change in your eye color or vision? Reach out to your local Mississippi Eye Care clinic today! Keep reading our blogs for more interesting eye health and care facts.