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10 Fast Facts About Color Blindness

We all see the world differently. With color blindness, that can mean a whole lot of variation in vision. Whether you know someone with color blindness, are just hearing about it, or have it yourself, it’s time to learn more about this condition. Check out these fascinating fast facts about color blindness.


Here’s one of the more surprising facts about color blindness: you don’t have to be born with it. In fact, it can arrive as you start to age.


Have you ever heard someone refer to “Daltonism”? Named after John Dalton, who penned the seminal work on color blindness, it is another name for the condition. Dalton also lived with color blindness too.

Single Eye Colorblindness

Some people have different vision in each of their eyes. One is weaker, while the other is h2er. The same can go for colorblindness too, resulting in people who have colorblindness in just one eye. The condition is known as unilateral dichromacy.


What a headache! There’s a link between color blindness and migraines. A study from Israel shows those who have color blindness have a 32 percent increase in migraine frequency.


If your doctor is testing for color blindness, he or she will most likely use an anomaloscope. That helpful tool provides the best results.


When you look at a stoplight, you don’t have to see in color to know when to stop, when to go, and when to slow down. That’s for a reason! Because the position of the individual lights can tell drivers what to do, people with color blindness can easily follow the rules of the road.

Loving Life

Though being colorblind can come with challenges, they’re no obstacle to loving life fully. There’s even a special name for people with color blindness who enjoy every day: colblindor! How cool is that?


As it turns out, men have a higher likelihood of living with color blindness. That doesn’t mean that women don’t also get it too! They simply have a lower likelihood of living with color blindness.

Red-Green Color Blindness

It makes a big difference which parent has red-green color blindness! While fathers cannot give the gene to their sons, the opposite is true for mothers. If a woman has red-green color blindness, it’s guaranteed that her sons will inherit it too.

Red-Green vs. Blue-Yellow

When it comes to color blindness, men are far more likely than women to have the red-green version of the condition. However, both genders have an equal chance of having blue-yellow color blindness.


With these facts about color blindness, you can see the world of ophthalmology even clearer. Another way to see clearly? Visiting your local Mississippi Eye Care clinic. Whether you need glasses, contacts, a vision test, and more, they can help. As for learning more about eyes and eye care, view our blog here.