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5 Tips for Helping Kids Care for Their Glasses

Smudged lenses, broken frames, or even missing glasses—children go through them all when they first get a pair of glasses. Helping kids care for their glasses is often a harder task than it initially appears. If you need a few tips to assist you—and your child—we’re here to help. Then, you can all go forward with clear vision!

Make Sure Your Kids Like Their Glasses

Have you seen how your kids take care of their favorite belongings? Not only do they bring them everywhere, but they try to keep them in good shape so playtime never ends. Well, this goes for glasses too. Let your kids pick out their favorite glasses—within the budget, of course—so they can take pride in what they’re wearing.

Ask Questions

One of the best tips for helping kids care for their glasses is making sure they know the expectations required of them. So, make sure that you ask your clinician questions. Keep your children with you so they can listen to the answers—and voice any questions or concerns of their own. This will help your kids feel more in control. Plus, if they were worried about asking questions before, you’ve just opened the door for them.

Model Behavior

Do you wear glasses? Does anyone in your family wear them? If the answer is yes, then it’s helpful to model the proper behavior. Show your children how to clean, wear, and take care of their glasses by example. That way, they won’t feel alone and they’ll have someone to guide them.

Read Relevant Books

If your children are getting glasses for the first time, it helps to read relevant books. Younger children will love hearing stories about new glasses-wearers. Looking for inspiration? There’s always the classic Marc Brown book “Arthur’s Eyes!”

Make Care a Regular Part of the Day

Children thrive with a set schedule. Show them how wearing glasses is regular part of the day! This involves putting them on in the morning, cleaning them if necessary during the day, and putting them away safely before bed.


It’s clear as day: helping kids care for their glasses is easy and effective. Still have questions? Want to schedule an eye appointment for you or your children? Call your local Mississippi Eye Care clinic to begin. Plus, don’t forget to check out our blog to learn even more!