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9 Tips for Packing and Traveling With Contacts

  • Post category:Eye Care

Planning to travel more this year? Keep your travel plans clear with these tips for packing and traveling with contacts.

Bring enough supplies for the whole trip.

When packing your contacts and contact solution, pack enough for the duration of your trip so you don’t have to worry about finding the right solution or replacement lenses while you are adventuring.

Whether you wear dailies or extended-wear lenses, bring backups—as in more than enough to cover emergencies plus normal use.

Pack your glasses.

From drier air to other environmental factors, pack your glasses to give your eyes a break and to wear in case climate conditions or other things irritate your eyes.

Have your prescription on hand.

It’s always good to be prepared for anything, so have your prescription with you to save time and frustration in case you need to purchase replacement lenses for whatever reason.

Travel with daily disposables.

Traveling with contact lenses can be easier if you pack daily disposables to reduce traveling with heavy solution bottles or contact cases.

Buy a travel-size solution.

It may be tempting to squeeze your solution into a smaller container, but transferring it can affect the sterility of the contact solution. Check your local drugstore for a travel-size bottle of contact solution or a travel kit, which often includes a handy mirror.

Bring as much solution as you want—just declare it.

One of the most important tips for packing and traveling with contacts is to bring as much as you want. But remember to declare it at the checkpoint. Contact solution falls under the TSA’s definition of medical liquids, which means you can bring more than the liquid allowance of three ounces.

Squeeze half-used bottles of solution before air travel.

When traveling on a plane, the pressure changes can affect your bottles. By squeezing out excess air before packing, it will help prevent leaks.

Keep your contact lens solution in a sealed Ziplock bag.

In addition to your bottles, your contact lens containers can also leak. Remember to keep them sealed in a Ziplock bag to prevent them from getting other items in our luggage wet.

Carry on lenses, solution and glasses.

Last but not least, travel with one or two sets of contact lenses, plenty of solution and glasses in your carry-on bag for easy access. What’s more, you don’t have to worry about lost luggage and not having what you need for optimal vision and eye comfort!


With these tips for packing and traveling with contacts, start packing for the next adventure! Questions? Contact your local Mississippi Eye Care clinic to ask our eye care professionals. For more vision health news and eye care tips, continue reading our blogs.