While words can be powerful, the language of the eyes transcends speech. Eyes can convey a spectrum of emotions—from love to anger. Let’s explore how our eyes express emotion this February, so you won’t have to rely on words alone to convey your feelings to someone special and others.
The Eyes: Windows to the Soul
For starters, our eyes express emotion linked to our physiological state. The pupil’s size, the direction of the gaze and the way you blink can all signal emotional states. For example, dilated pupils can indicate attraction or interest, while rapid blinking may suggest anxiety or discomfort.
Research shows that about 70-90% of our communication is non-verbal, and our eyes play a crucial role in this silent dialogue. Some of the ways eyes express emotion include:
Narrowed eyes can express concentration. When someone squints, they are often assessing a situation. The pupils will constrict when you focus on a nearby object and dilate when watching something in the distance.
Surprise or fear
Wide-open eyes with raised eyebrows can indicate surprise, excitement or fear. When someone is genuinely amazed, their eyes may widen significantly, revealing the whites of their eyes. Along with wide eyes, pupils will dilate as a natural response to the jolt of adrenaline from surprise or fear.
Did you know that rapid blinking can indicate someone is a bit stressed? Typically, most people blink between 8 and 21 times a minute when relaxed. So, if you notice someone blinking more often—especially when facing a tough question or situation—it might be a sign of stress.
Rolling eyes are a clear sign of annoyance or disbelief. It’s a common non-verbal way to indicate frustration or dismissal as well.
When you ask someone a question, you might notice where their eyes go as a sign of honesty. If their gaze moves up and to the right, they might not be telling you the whole truth. On the other hand, if they look up and to the left, they are likely being truthful.
That said, it is good to remember eye movement isn’t always a clear sign of dishonesty; sometimes people need to look around as they think things through.
Downcast eyes often mean sadness. Someone may also struggle to make eye contact when they feel sad. Interestingly, a sign of sadness can also signal joy—tears!
The eyes can express happiness in a variety of ways. Bright, wide eyes that sparkle are strong indicators of happiness. A big smile and arched eyebrows convey that you are glad to see someone too.
When you lock eyes with someone you care about, it creates an intimate connection. Studies show prolonged eye contact can increase feelings of attraction and affection.
Pupils dilate when you see someone you love or like…a lot. The response is linked to attraction and excitement. Your body releases dopamine, which causes your pupils to expand. So, the next time you see someone’s pupils widening when they look at you, it’s a clear sign of their interest!
The language of the eyes is as rich and expressive as spoken words. This gives us another good reason to protect our eyes by monitoring vision health with annual eye exams and more. Keep reading our blogs for other ways to promote healthy vision and eyes—and visit mymseyecare.com to schedule your next appointment!